Blog posts : "General"

Who were the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, why did they form, and what did they achieve?

The Oxford English Dictionary defines ‘Pre-Raphaelite’ as “a member of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood founded in 1848 to revive the fidelity to nature and the vivid realistic colour considered to be typical in Italian painting before Raphael” this only barely begins to describe what the Pre-Raphael…

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Compare and contrast Marxist and Social Darwinist accounts of the human condition.


‘Karl Marx (1818-83) and his collaborator Frederich Engels (1820-95) uniquely devised what they regarded as a ‘scientific’ socialism’ (Cahoone, 2003: p75) at a similar period in time ‘in The Origin of Species Darwin (1909-82) argued that biological species are not fixed but are the prod…

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'Most Western discourses of identity 'are predicated upon some unconscious projection of an Other who is not "us". At the collective level of politics, this assumes the guise of an elect "nation" or "people" defining itself over against an alien adversary

Chris Weedon defines ‘Othering’ as ‘the process of constructing another people as radically different to oneself or one’s own group, usually on the basis of racist and/or ethnocentric discourses’ (Weedon, 2004: p166). In this essay I intend to discuss the notion of ‘Otherness’ and alterity, and I …

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How has feminist media theory discussed media representations of women? Which of these theoretical observations do you find most convincing?

In this essay I intend to discuss the different strands of feminist media theory, with particular reference to the ways in which women are represented within the media, including things such as stereotypes. In order to do this I believe it will first be necessary to talk about early feminist theor…

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‘Critically evaluate the representation of gender in computer and videogames’

In this essay I will discuss the representation of women in computer and videogames, I intend to consider a number of things, beginning with a discussion of representation generally, drawing largely on the work of Stuart Hall. I believe that an understanding of representational theory is important i…

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‘With specific reference to Harry Potter discuss the ways in which formulaic structure performs to serve the purpose of enjoyment and pleasure for the consumer’.


In this essay I intend to discuss the use of formulaic structure, specifically in the form of genre and how it provides enjoyment for audiences, I will do this with specific reference to Harry Potter, both the series of books and also in film form. I will be discussing the ways in which the books…

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To what extent do Internet enabled technogies threaten the operational logic of the global music corporations?

‘The absolute transformation of everything we ever thought about music will take place within the next ten years, and nothing is going to be able to stop it. I’m fully confident that copyright for instance, will no longer exist in ten years and authorship and intellectual property is in for a b…

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Videogames offer young people both solitary entertainment and social opportunities. Discuss.

In this essay I intend to discuss the idea of the anti social, corrupted gamer, and the impact that videogames are thought to have on young people. I intend to argue against this myth, discussing the positive sides of videogames and the many ways in which they can be seen as social activities, on…

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What made The Color Purple so important to black female consciousness? - Discuss with reference to Womanism, She’s Gotta Have It, the female voice and other relevant texts.

In this essay I will be discussing the film The Color Purple, which was directed by Stephen Spielberg. I will discuss the film in relation to Womanism and the female voice, I will also discuss the film and its impact and representations in contrast to other cultural texts such as The Warrior Woman

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Love & Desire in Contemporary Cultures- In 'Fetishism', Freud argues that while 'a fetish is recognized by its adherents as an abnormality, it is seldom felt by them as the symptom of an ailment accompanied by suffering. Usually they are quite satisfied.

In this essay I will be attempting to explore the idea of Fetishism as well as it’s role in today’s society and today’s culture, in particular I will be looking at Freud’s notion of fetishism, though I will also steer away from this classic explanation in order to talk about decadent and pre-oedip…

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10 blog posts